~ Introduction ~
Catholic Schoolhouse is a supplemental program designed to help homeschool families enrich their educational experience through a flexible approach. Inspired by classical elements, scholars of all ages have a place at Catholic Schoolhouse. Our tours (3-year classical curriculum), offer the opportunity for everyone in the family to study the same topics, at the same time, and on their individual level.
Scholars in the grammar program (ages 4-11) study the same topics in the grammar program tour guide, delving deeper into the material as they grow older.
During the dialectic stage (middle school) and rhetoric stage (high school), our scholars have opportunities for Socratic discussion, logic development, and public speaking, while staying focused on the fine arts and history time periods of the current tour guide.
Catholic Schoolhouse can help bring structure and cohesiveness to your homeschooling journey will richly bless your family.
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